Asheville, NC couples session on family farm


Have you ever met a family that lives the life they always dreamed of? Instead of just talking about moving out and living on the land, they do it! Let me introduce you to one such couple. Meet Madison, Tyler, and their farm-friendly family. They all live on the land in Ashville, North Carolina. I enjoyed this couple’s photo session immensely. As soon as the opportunity was presented to me, I jumped at it. After all, adventure couple photos sessions in beautiful destinations like Ashville, NC always interest me. Combine breath-taking landscapes with an inspiring couple and plenty of furry/feathered friends and I’m in!


Couples photo session Location: Ashville, NC

Ashville, NC is located at the meeting point where the French Broad and Swannanoa rivers flow. Seated in Buncombe County it is the largest town in western North Carolina. Ashville mountain city is known for its friendly, relaxed atmosphere and love for art, music, history, and outdoor adventure. It is rated as a highly desired and liveable city. Oh, and I forgot to mention – it is surrounded by the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains. Well worth planning a destination couple’s photo session in Ashville NC. Or if you are thinking of moving and taking the farmland plunge, Ashville NC is an option. Madison and Tyler highly recommend it.


Couples photo session with animals: Ashville, NC

Madison and Tyler choose a sustainable living lifestyle. They aim to live, work, and sustain a healthy, happy life from their own land. The couple have already perfected craft beer, kombucha and eggs. With plans to raise sheep, plant gardens for food and continue to build on the goal of being fully sustainable in the future. Their farm in Ashville, NC is perfectly positioned in a region that boasts 324,000 hectares of pristine wilderness.


Sustainable living is inspirational and hard work for sure, but worth it. This couple’s session is so sweet, the photos capture true daily experiences encountered with their family. Couple + Puppies + Chooks + Ducks + Bunny = Family. Plenty of love, barrels of joy, and a unique serenity ooze from this Ashville family. I had the most fun ever as they were playing fetch with their puppies, snuggling their ducks, and relaxing in their outdoor porch hot tub. This couple’s session in Ashville, NC, filled up my senses. View the pics and you will get a taste of what I mean.


If you would like to connect with me and share your ideas for your photo shoot, I would be honored to hear from you.

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